
Photos & Posts shared from happy Wayuu Bag Asia fans.









淨色系列: https://www.wayuubagasia.com/collections/vibrant-style-series



多謝客人提供的相片! 簡單的黑色衫加白波鞋牛仔褲已經將Wayuu袋的味道時尚地表現出來!再加上客人自己打咗個結,再用小扣針固定,把略長的背帶「改短」。對於薄帶的袋效果更好。咁就可以就算背帶略長,都買到心水圖案及顏色嘅Wayuu袋


Vibrant Series: https://www.wayuubagasia.com/collections/vibrant-style-series




淨色系列: https://www.wayuubagasia.com/collections/solid-color-series


"Solid color ‪ the perfect ones to start with!"

(Courtesy photo from customer Ms Ng in Hong Kong)

Solid Color Series: https://www.wayuubagasia.com/collections/solid-color-series


"It feels great to traveling with my Wayuu bags around the world!"

(Courtesy photo from customer from China)

Wayuu Handbag Series: https://www.wayuubagasia.com/collections/wayuu-handbags


"I like Vibrant Style Wayuu bags with design pattern from the nature."

(Courtesy photo from customer).